It is committed to providing customers with low calorie, delicious simple meals and new coffee drinks, spreading healthy diet and regional culture, and meeting the needs of contemporary young people for health, leisure and social interaction with high-quality services.
It is committed to providing customers with low calorie, delicious simple meals and new coffee drinks, spreading healthy diet and regional culture, and meeting the needs of contemporary young people for health, leisure and social interaction with high-quality services.
致力于为客户提供低卡、美味的简餐和新式咖饮,传播健康饮食及地域文化,以优质的服务满足当代年轻人对健康、休闲、社交的需求。 选择健康的原材料如0卡糖、低脂牛奶、新鲜水果、优质茶叶咖啡豆等,打造饮品、简餐制作与同款原材料销售两条路线,满足顾客对线下服务需求的同时,让顾客可以自主DIY,选择原料及比例,打造属于自己的独一无二的咖啡及茶饮体验。
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